Welcome to Craig Field Photos a photography service,
offering quality photos at reasonable prices including glamour
style boudoir & portrait shoots, weddings and spectacular
concert photography.
Whether you are after corporate head shots or gig photos,
Craig Field Photos will be able to help,
all at very competitive prices.
Like so many others 2020 was a very trying year for me.
COVID all but wiped out all of my photography clients and
I was forced to seek alternative employment.
I had worked for over 10 years as a professional commercial
photographer, and in the later years as a concert
photographer as well, but I find myself firmly back in the
"enthusiast” category these days. That doesn’t mean that I will turn down a paid gig, but for now I am most definitely not relying on photography to create an income for me. This is why I have chosen to keep my prices fair and reasonable. One day I hope the dream comes to fruition, but for now I have taken on a job in a completely un-related field to make ends meet. So I’m doing a lot better than some other people that had their business killed by COVID.
I asked myself what I want to do toward the end of 2020, and the answer was simple, I want to capture people, all kinds of people doing all kinds of things, portraiture has always been my first love of photography, and now I am able to do that. With the end of my business (MotorGlamImages) I was able to rebrand and focus on the things I love to shoot.
Being a commercial photographer for so long gave me so much, I am forever grateful for that opportunity. The events I was able to capture, the people I met, being able to collect “all the gear” and lots of practice taking photos. I took somewhere around 750,000 photos in that 10 year period, not to mention I was an enthusiastic amateur before that, so in total I’ve been taking photos seriously for closer to 20 years. But photography has always been a part of my life. I bought my very first camera with my very first pay from my very first real job, so I think I have served my apprenticeship.
Community is really what drives me; my passion for photography has enabled me to give back to the groups that have given me so much. I retired as President of my local camera club a couple of years ago and am now actively involved with Black Dog Ride, a charity that aims to reduce the stigma around mental health and raise awareness about suicide prevention, and although that sounds really noble, usually it just involves me taking photos or riding my motorcycle.
My other passion in life is music; I attend as many live gigs as I can, from local cover bands to A list music festivals. I'll usually have my camera with me, and love capturing the sweat of a hot live show. I have been blessed to be able to capture some of Australia’s' finest musicians doing what they do best, by doing what I do best.
So I'm not just a guy that takes photos of people and bands, I'm an enthusiast. I'm a groupie!
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to help, and by supporting Craig Field Photos you are also supporting Black Dog Ride.
"Art, including photographs, should invoke emotion, it should create a passionate response, either love it or hate it, mediocrity is not ok"
~ Craig Field